What is your full name?
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What is your title or position with the company?
What is the Business or Organization Name?
Business Street Address
What is your City, State, and Zip Code?
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Email Address:
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Business Phone
Business Fax
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Would mornings, afternoons, or evenings be the best time to follow back up with you by telephone?
Do you have a logo in ready-to-use (digital) form?
Do you have a logo in a digital form - but it needs some editing/retouching?
Do you have a drawing to develop a logo?
Do you need a logo to be created from scratch for web only?
Do you need a logo to be created from scratch for web and print?
Do you not need a logo?
Please indicate your approximate buget range to have a logo developed.
Briefly describe the nature of your existing business
Current Website (if available)
Do you have a site plan or outline?
Have you created a site diagram?
If yes, how many pages are in your site plan or site outline?
How many web pages do you feel your site will require?
If possible, please list the titles and topics of these pages.
If no, would you prefer that we make the layout reccomendations?
Select from following choices - Is this a new website, re-design, or a basic makeover?
What type of website is needed - Personal, Business, Organization, Non - Profit or Other?
If you are representing a Non - Profit Group do you have current validation or verification of (501 - C3) status qualification?
Indicate from the following the best purpose and goals for your website: Promote your business, provide information, share your interest, to sell products, to teach or educate, or other
What's your timeline for completion?
List the URLS of some sample websites that you might like
Use a few keywords to describe the overall impression you want your site to give your visitors.
Do you plan to write your own copy (text)?
Have you written the text that will appear on your website?
Please describe the content that you have prepared.
Is the content you have created in digital form?
Do you want drawings/images/photos on your site?
How many drawings/images/photos?
Will you be providing them as Original Documents, Prints, Transparencies, or Digital (files)?
Do you have the rights to use the drawings/images/photos?
Do you need photos taken?
Do you need graphics created?
What sort of graphics do you need created, Animated Images, Mp3, Stills - jpg or gif, Flash, Quicktime, Diagrams, 2d Technical Drawings, 3D Models, or Other Graphic requirements?
On your page layouts web page header do you intend to use your current company logo, photo or drawing, or need it designed completly from scratch?
On your page layout web page footer do you want standard company ID? eg:
What trade or service marks does your company want to indicate in the footer bottom area?
Do you need Online order or feedback forms?
If yes, how many?
Do you have physical hard-copy versions of these forms currently available?
Do you have digital versions?
Must any of these forms use a secure server (ie, must they be encrypted)?
How many people must receive the contact information submitted?
Do you require a calculator, validation or other iteractive elements in your forms?
If yes, please describe briefly about the forms:
are there any other form processing requirements?
Will you need a password protected areas
If yes, please describe briefly here:
Will users of your website need to download files?
If yes, please describe briefly here:
Do you have a registered Domain Name?
If yes, what is the name? http://
If no, do you want eBizness Network Group to register a Domain Name for you?
What is the desired Domain Name, and a few alternate choices?
If you are not interested in getting a Domain Name, do you want to get a Sub- Domain Name (like yourname.hostname.com)?
Do you need someone to host your website for you?
If yes, what price range are you interested in: Basic, Business, Corporate, or Enterprise?
You can have a number of email addresses attached to your new site. How many will you require?
Do you want eBizness Network Group to maintain and/or make updates to your website?
How often would your website require maintenance, on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly basis?
Please briefly describe the nature of the updates your site would require?
What your target groups do you identify with: Children to 12 yrs, Young People, Adults, Older People, Female, Male, People with the same: City, region, County, World, Industry, Interests, or Other:
Please briefly tell more about your target group:
Are you interested in a one-time submission to about 100 main search engines and directories?
Do you want eBizness Network Group to submit your website to main search engines?
Are you interested in regular re-submissions?
Are there specific search engines and directories you are interested in?
Do you want eBizness Network Group to find suitable other search engines and directories for you?
Do you want eBizness Network Group to help you promote your site through link excahnges, publishing a newsletter, or developing an eMerge mailing list?
What design services for advertising and off-line marketing do you need designed and/or printed: Business Cards, Letterhead & Envelopes, Ads for a Newspaper or Magazine, Illustrations/Diagrams, or Settings for Displays or Commercials.
Are you interested in having a CD of your website for distribution?
If yes, what else might you include: Music tracks, Video & Audio, Video Only, High Resolution Images? Photographs, Existing Documents/Manuals, or Other.
If other, please describe detailsof other inclusions:
How many copies of the CD (less than 5, 6 - 20, 21 - 50, or more than 50)?
Do you want PDF files from your website or CD?
If yes, what sort of content (Text, Drawings/Line Art, Photgraphs or Images - grayscale, Photographs or Images - colour, A4, or Larger than A4, or Other.
If other, please describe in more details:
How many pages on your website? Example: less than 5 -9, 10-19, 20 -29, 30 - 49, 50 -59, 60 - 99, or more than 100 - 149 pages:
Please list the individual, and/or the sales agent's full name that referred you to us if applicable, or indicate how you found us Online. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and your Online business support!
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